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Beguinages |
There are three beguinages in Ghent: the old Beguinage of St. Elizabeth, known as the Holy Corner, the great Beguinage in the suburbs of Ghent, Sint-Amandsberg, whose patron is Saint Elizabeth too, and the beguinage Blessed Virgin of Ter Hoyen in Lange Violettenstraat (called the Little Beguinage). Beguinage St. Elizabeth is named after Elizabeth of Hungary, also known as Saint Elizabeth from Thuringia.
Klein Begijnhof Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Hoyen (mały beginaż) powstał w 1235 roku. Jest jednym z najlepiej zachowanych beginaży. W ciągu 700 lat przetrwał wiele zagrożeń. W 1566 roku ze strony ikonoklastów, następnie rządy kalwinistów w Gandawie, oraz Rewolucję Francuską. XVII wiek to okres niesamowitego rozkwitu beginażu. Niestety w wieku XVIII, z powodu braku funduszy sytuacja beginażu zaczęła się stopniowo pogarszać.
W roku 1862 beginaż ten zakupił niemiecki książę Arenberg. Po I Wojnie Światowej został on zmuszony, jako Niemiec do sprzedaży begianżu. W 1924 roku prawa do beginażu przechodzą w prywatne ręce. |
After the Second World War, the Beguinage was slowly being destroyed. Only entering it on the list of monuments in the 1963 year with the King's decree stops this process. Since 1990, works have been carried out to restore the former splendor to the beguinage. It must be admitted that this is going in the right direction, because the Beguinage is really impressive.
On 5 December 1998 the Beguinage was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In September 2004, the last beguine, Hermina Hoogewijs, was transferred to the monastery in Wetteren for health reasons. With her departure, life in the Beguinage has expired. Nowadays, houses are rented or leased.
On 5 December 1998 the Beguinage was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In September 2004, the last beguine, Hermina Hoogewijs, was transferred to the monastery in Wetteren for health reasons. With her departure, life in the Beguinage has expired. Nowadays, houses are rented or leased.
W beginażu znajduje się 90 domów, kościół, kaplica, ambulatorium, dom przełożonej beginek i siedem konwentów. Cały beginaż otoczony jest murem z cegły i ma wspólną bramę wjazdową. Znajdują się tutaj również mury wewnętrzne, które odgradzają domy od alejek. Za tymi murami mieszczą się urocze malutkie ogrody.
Zamożne beginki mogły mieszkać w domach, które po ich śmierci przechodziły na własność beginażu. Czasami były one wspomagane przez pokojówkę. W siedmiu konwentach położonych wokół dziedzińca mieszkały biedniejsze beginki. Większość konwentów zbudowano w XVII wieku, w stylu gotyckim. Miały one wspólną kuchnię, jadalnię, pomieszczenia biurowe. Każda beginka posiadała swoją sypialnię.
Beginki, aby się utrzymać, wyszywały koronki, naprawiały odzież. W 1793 roku szyły koszule dla armii francuskiej. Niektóre z nich nauczały.
Zamożne beginki mogły mieszkać w domach, które po ich śmierci przechodziły na własność beginażu. Czasami były one wspomagane przez pokojówkę. W siedmiu konwentach położonych wokół dziedzińca mieszkały biedniejsze beginki. Większość konwentów zbudowano w XVII wieku, w stylu gotyckim. Miały one wspólną kuchnię, jadalnię, pomieszczenia biurowe. Każda beginka posiadała swoją sypialnię.
Beginki, aby się utrzymać, wyszywały koronki, naprawiały odzież. W 1793 roku szyły koszule dla armii francuskiej. Niektóre z nich nauczały.
In 1657 the superior of the beguines Philipotte Dysembaert decided to demolish the old church and build a completely new one, in the Renaissance style. However, in 1660 the works were suspended. Only in 1710, on the order of the superior, Francoise van Hoorebeke, the works were resumed. This time the church was to be built in the baroque style.
On the facade, above the main entrance to the church, there is a statue of the Mother and Child. On the sides, the figures of St. Aya and St. Godelieve. Cartouche with the date 1720 year on top. Inside, a large polyptych, painted by Lucas Horenbault in 1596.
The chapel in the infirmary served its function from the mid-16th century. There was a relic with the blood of St. Godelieve. In 1659 the parish priest Rahus de Scheemaecker and the superior of Beguines Philipotte Dysembaert gave the impetus to start the cult of St. Godelieve. The relic with blood was replaced with a relic of a part of the skull. The cult became so strong that the chapel was named after St. Godelieve. Due to the increased influx of believers, in 1725 the chapel was enlarged. It has become a popular place of pilgrimage for people with eye and throat ailments. At the end of the 18th century, the chapel received its present shape. Beguinage inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
On the facade, above the main entrance to the church, there is a statue of the Mother and Child. On the sides, the figures of St. Aya and St. Godelieve. Cartouche with the date 1720 year on top. Inside, a large polyptych, painted by Lucas Horenbault in 1596.
The chapel in the infirmary served its function from the mid-16th century. There was a relic with the blood of St. Godelieve. In 1659 the parish priest Rahus de Scheemaecker and the superior of Beguines Philipotte Dysembaert gave the impetus to start the cult of St. Godelieve. The relic with blood was replaced with a relic of a part of the skull. The cult became so strong that the chapel was named after St. Godelieve. Due to the increased influx of believers, in 1725 the chapel was enlarged. It has become a popular place of pilgrimage for people with eye and throat ailments. At the end of the 18th century, the chapel received its present shape. Beguinage inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Lange Violettestraat 235, 9000 Ghent |
Opening hours:
monday-sunday: 6.30-22.00
Ticket price:
Free entrance
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Old Beguinage of St. Elizabeth |
it was built in 1234 year, and soon took on the name of its patron, Saint Elizabeth, canonized in the year 1236. Beguinage has its own church, home of the head of the beguines, infirmary (sick room) with its own chapel, 18 convents, laundry (for beguines, which were washing clothes for the wealthy inhabitants of Ghent) and a large orchard.
During the French Revolution, Ghent took over the Beguinage, just like other places connected, even lightly, with the church. This place, previously used only by beguines, during the industrial revolution, the city tried to use as a bedroom for a cheap labor force coming to the city. The conflict between the city administration, dominated by the liberal party and the beguines grew. Some of them moved to the Beguinage of Our Lady Ter Hoyen (called the Little One). Thanks to the financial support provided by Prince Arenberg (also known as Prinz von Recklinghausen) in two years (1872-1874) in Sint-Amandoberg, near Ghent, a new Beguinage was built. On 29 September 1874 year, about 600 beguines moved there.
After the departure of beguines, this place became an area inhabited by the Ghent community. There was less investment in infrastructure. This corner began to lose its unique character. However, in the 20th century, the city and private individuals, under the pressure of voices demanding the preservation of this unique place, began to invest in the reconstruction of buildings of Beguinage. The place began to become popular. Famous artists such as Constant Permeke, Albert Servaes, and Frist van den Berghe have lived on Van Aken 7 over the years.
In English, this corner is called the Holy Corner. This name comes from the fact that at one point in this place there were four churches: the Roman Catholic St. Elizabeth, which was originally a church of Beguinage, the church of St. Andrew, the Protestant Rabotkerk, and the Anglican Church of St. John.
The first stone house of prayer was built in Beguinage of St. Elizabeth in the Skaldian Gothic style. Two reconstructions took place in the 17th century, giving the church its present shape. The first in 1630-1640, ordered by the superior of Beguines, Joanna Bauters, and the second in 1682, is the work of the superior Ferdynanda De Bock. As a result, a pseudo-hall church was created (a multi-nave church in which the aisles are slightly lower than the main nave).
In English, this corner is called the Holy Corner. This name comes from the fact that at one point in this place there were four churches: the Roman Catholic St. Elizabeth, which was originally a church of Beguinage, the church of St. Andrew, the Protestant Rabotkerk, and the Anglican Church of St. John.
The first stone house of prayer was built in Beguinage of St. Elizabeth in the Skaldian Gothic style. Two reconstructions took place in the 17th century, giving the church its present shape. The first in 1630-1640, ordered by the superior of Beguines, Joanna Bauters, and the second in 1682, is the work of the superior Ferdynanda De Bock. As a result, a pseudo-hall church was created (a multi-nave church in which the aisles are slightly lower than the main nave).
Moving on to a new one Beguinage, in 1874, beguines took the church equipment with them. However, they left behind baroque sculptures decorating stone columns, and the 17th century 15 secrets in the grisaille (monochromatic painting technique, as well as images obtained with this technique, giving the illusion of three-dimensionality). One of the side altars contains a 17th-century painting by Charles Remes depicting a Dominican St. Dominik Guzman. He was responsible for the religious and spiritual life of beguines in St. Elizabeth Beguinage. In the main altar, and more precisely in its upper part, we can see a reference to the patron saint of Beguinage, st. Elizabeth of Thuringia.
Today Beguinage it has no walls separating it from the rest of the city. You have to walk a bit to get an idea of its location. However, after a moment of walking, when we pass old streets with many historic beguines' houses, we begin to feel its unique atmosphere.
Today Beguinage it has no walls separating it from the rest of the city. You have to walk a bit to get an idea of its location. However, after a moment of walking, when we pass old streets with many historic beguines' houses, we begin to feel its unique atmosphere.
Begijnhofdries, 9000 Gent
Groot Begijnhof Sint-Elisabeth te Sint-Amandsberg (Wielki beginaż św. Elżbiety)- 29 września 1873 roku położono pierwszy kamień pod budowę kościoła. W rok później, 29 września odbyła się wielka uroczystość poświęcona przenosinom beginek do nowego beginażu (zwanego wielkim), w miejscowości Sint-Amandsberg. Beginaż ten jest dziełem architekta Arthura Verhaegena. Kościół zaś zaprojektował Jean-Babtiste Bethune. Wystrój beginażu w stylu neogotyckim ma przypominać obraz średniowiecznego miasta.
The minimum age for admission to the congregation was 16 years. The novice was given a supervisor who implemented her to life in Beguinage, teaching her the spirit of prayer, love, humility and mortification. After at least a year, the novice could ask for permission to be kleedsel. During the ceremony, in her monastery, she received the beguine's robes. It was only six months later that she could be announced a beguine, the decisive opinion was given to the superior of beguines, De Groot. Steedsel, gave her the right to live in the congregation as a full-fledged beguine. From 1930 the number of beguines has been systematically decreasing. The last beguine, Alice Maenhout, stayed for some time in a nursing home and died there 25 on August 2003. Beguinage this one is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Groot Begijnhof 67 9040 Sint-Amandsberg (Ghent) |
Opening hours:
monday-sunday: 6.30-21.30 |
Ticket price:
Free entrance |