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The original tower was built in the year 1930 as a war memorial dedicated to the soldiers who died on the West-Flemish front during the First World War. For many years the tower was considered a symbol of Flemish nationalists. In 1946, it was blown up in unexplained circumstances.
In the 1965 year, after 13 years, the construction of a new, magnificent monument was completed. The 84-meters tower, the highest monument of peace in Europe, houses an interesting museum (War, Peace, Flemish emancipation). Many war exhibits, such as weapons or uniforms, were gathered on the 22 floors. Historical photos show the suffering of soldiers and civilians. Visiting the museum begins with entering the top of the building. From its terrace there is a wonderful view of the whole region from Nieuwpoort to Passchendaele, Ypres, Poperinge and Ploegsteert.
Wieża usytuowana wzdłuż rzeki Yser w Diksmuide ozdobiona jest literami AVV-VVK (Wszytko dla Flandrii-Flandria dla Chrystusa), przed wejściem widnieje napis Nigdy więcej Wojny. Motto muzeum brzmi: Co pozostało z życia?. Co pozostało z Kraju?.