Sanktuarium Matki Bożej Ubogich
w Banneux |
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Sanktuarium w niewielkim Banneux, usytuowanym około 20 kilometrów od Liege, to jedno z głównych miejsc kultu w Belgii. To tutaj Matka Boska ukazywała się jedenastoletniej Mariette Beco aż osiem razy. Objawienia trwały od 15 stycznia do 2 marca 1933 roku.
During the apparitions, Our Lady always presented herself as the Mother of the Poor and asked her to build a chapel in this place. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Poor is a place of pilgrimage of hundreds of thousands of people who come here to confide in the Mother of God with their suffering, pain and desires.
On the walls of the chapel and in several places in the sanctuary there are tables, on which the faithful express, in many languages, thanks to Our Lady for intercession and healing. In the 1949 year, the Vatican recognized the revelations at Banneux. John Paul II ended here his pilgrimage in the Benelux countries, which he held in 1985 year.
On the walls of the chapel and in several places in the sanctuary there are tables, on which the faithful express, in many languages, thanks to Our Lady for intercession and healing. In the 1949 year, the Vatican recognized the revelations at Banneux. John Paul II ended here his pilgrimage in the Benelux countries, which he held in 1985 year.
In the Banneux Sanctuary there are: the Chapel of the Apparitions, the Chapel of the Mission, the Church of the Virgin of Poor, the Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel, the Way of the Cross, the belfry of Konrad Adenauer and, in the place of the apparitions of the Holy Mother, a wonderful spring. The Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Poor is surrounded by a beautiful landscape park.