Saint Anne's Tunnel |
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Ten wspaniały tunel pod rzeką Skaldą, często pomijany przez turystów, został wybudowany w latach 1931-1933. 572 metry chodnika, prowadzące z lewego brzegu do starego centrum miasta, dostępne są wyłącznie dla pieszych i rowerzystów. Wewnętrzna średnica tunelu to 4,3 m. Dostęp do tunelu po obu stronach zapewniają windy oraz drewniane ruchome schody. Wejście od strony starego miasta znajduje się na południe od Grote Markt, na małym placu Sint-Jansvliet, na końcu Hoogstraat w żółtym budynku w stylu Art-Deco.
During World War II, in the 1944 year, the entrance from Linkeroever on the left bank was destroyed. Reconstruction lasted until 1949 year. In the 1997 year, the tunnel together with technical equipment and buildings was considered a monument.
A walk through the tunnel, one way, takes about 10 minutes. It is worth trying both the lift and the magnificent wooden escalators. When choosing a staircase, we feel as if we moved into the years 40. Even warning signs have an antique style.
To get to the tunnel, you have to take 31,57 m under the Scheldt surface. Then, among the bikes and pedestrians, moving in both directions, we go straight to the other side. When we reach the surface, we can admire the magnificent panorama of the city.
A walk through the tunnel, one way, takes about 10 minutes. It is worth trying both the lift and the magnificent wooden escalators. When choosing a staircase, we feel as if we moved into the years 40. Even warning signs have an antique style.
To get to the tunnel, you have to take 31,57 m under the Scheldt surface. Then, among the bikes and pedestrians, moving in both directions, we go straight to the other side. When we reach the surface, we can admire the magnificent panorama of the city.
Secret Avenue Vlaeykensgang
It was built in 1591. It connects Haute and Old Koornmarkt Pelgrimstraat, where at number 16 there is a gate leading to a place where time has stood still. In this small alley you will find a few charming nooks and crannies with beautiful tenement houses. Some of them have art galleries, antique shops and restaurants. Turn off the crowded streets of Antwerp into this oasis of tranquility when you have free time.
Comic murals
Comic book fans will surely appreciate the entertainment which is undoubtedly walking in the footsteps of comic murals. In Antwerp we can find about 20 such paintings on the walls of buildings. They show characters from famous Belgian comic books. Similar murals can also be seen in Brussels. Although most of them are located in the vicinity of the old town, they are not easy to find in the winding streets of Antwerp. That is why it is worth getting a map with the locations of the murals marked.
Pod koniec XIX wieku władze miasta podjęły decyzję o budowie wystawowej hali miejskiej. Projekt, którego autorem był architekt Alex van Mechelen, został ukończony w 1907 roku. Organizowano tu wiele ważnych uroczystości. W 1983 roku budynek został oficjalnie wpisany do rejestru zbytków. W grudniu 2000 roku miał miejsce katastrofalny pożar, który prawie doszczętnie zniszczył halę. Z pożaru ocalały jedynie: stalowa konstrukcja dachu oraz betonowe schody i zewnętrzna fasada. Ponowne otwarcie budynku, odbudowanego wielkimi nakładami, nastąpiło w 2007 roku. Współcześnie znajduje się tutaj piękne centrum handlowe z około 40 sklepami, restauracjami, oraz miejscami do rekreacji. Odwiedzając pobliskie zoo lub zabytkowy budynek dworca warto również wstąpić do środka tego pięknego budynku, który mieści się pod adresem Meir 78/ Hopland 31.
The walk through the streets of Antwerp
After visiting all the monuments that interest us, it is worth taking a stroll through the charming streets of the city, at least for a while. Going off the beaten tourist trail, we may discover something that will delight us. A beautiful tenement house, a wonderful sculpture or a charming square. Let's put the guide aside for a moment and start admiring the surroundings. Then we will really start to notice details that we do not pay attention to, as we rush at the pace of a one-day tourist.
Dozens of magnificent chapels, often placed in the corners of tenement houses, are, next to monumental churches, the only examples of the Catholic faith that flourished in these areas in the past centuries. Charming tenement houses, created by outstanding architects, renovated over the years, testify to the richness and importance of Antwerp in the past.
It was in Antwerp that the first skyscraper in Europe was built. In 1932 this 87,5-meter-high skyscraper was commissioned. In 1976 its structure was increased by 8,5 meters. Ultimately, the Art Deco building reached a height of 95,75 meters. In 1944, KBC Tower was hit by approximately 50 shells from German artillery. A year later, a V2 rocket made a huge hole in the facade.
There are many reasons to come to Antwerp. Which one will you choose? Will you be tempted by the esteem of the city of monuments, or maybe the fact that this is where masters such as Rubens, Van Dyck or Joardens lived and created their works? If you are tempted by diamonds, the capital of which is Antwerp, that's good too. Just visit, be amazed and remember this beautiful city.
It was in Antwerp that the first skyscraper in Europe was built. In 1932 this 87,5-meter-high skyscraper was commissioned. In 1976 its structure was increased by 8,5 meters. Ultimately, the Art Deco building reached a height of 95,75 meters. In 1944, KBC Tower was hit by approximately 50 shells from German artillery. A year later, a V2 rocket made a huge hole in the facade.
There are many reasons to come to Antwerp. Which one will you choose? Will you be tempted by the esteem of the city of monuments, or maybe the fact that this is where masters such as Rubens, Van Dyck or Joardens lived and created their works? If you are tempted by diamonds, the capital of which is Antwerp, that's good too. Just visit, be amazed and remember this beautiful city.